by EduGrowth | 15 November, 2020
Innovation Alley at EduTECH 2020Interview with Glenn Smith 'Transforming children around the world by connecting educators and entrepreneurs' Decades of research has led to an innovative Australian EdTech company that is helping kids around the world. Glenn Smith...
by EduGrowth | 15 November, 2020
Innovation Alley at EduTECH 2020Interview with Mark Woodland "Are you solving a real problem' Xplor has grown and scaled from a simple idea: how do you actually serve the parents within an education setting? We heard from founder Mark Woodland as he detailed the...
by EduGrowth | 15 November, 2020
Innovation Alley at EduTECH 2020Interview with Ben Hallett 'Using your experience to build a business' Ben Hallet observed a personal problem as a Uni student, graduated and went into the profession he studied. Then, it dawned upon him that his experience was being...
by EduGrowth | 15 November, 2020
Innovation Alley at EduTECH 2020Interview with Grainne Oates, Quitch 'An educator becomes an EdTech entrepreneur' Grainne Oates is an educator at Swinburne University. She has built a growing global-focussed EdTech company from an idea to fix a problem within her...
by EduGrowth | 6 April, 2020
Managing Reputation During a CrisisArj Ganeshalingam, Porter Novelli In this session, Arj Ganeshalingam the Managing Director of Porter Novelli discusses how to manage your business reputation during the current health and economic crisis. The COVID-19 situation is...
by EduGrowth | 17 November, 2019
Gamification: building educational games to drive learningLeon Young, Cogniss Technology can drive learning by using games to increase engagement and motivate students to retain knowledge and improve skills. Gamification has opened up powerful new modes of learning...
by EduGrowth | 13 November, 2019
Sharpening your salesKartike Day, Hubspot Drop the spreadsheet and evolve your sales process! This online session presented by Hubspot is an introduction to managing your sales process, from the point of getting in touch with your customer to converting them into an...
by EduGrowth | 29 October, 2019
Connect to a community of teachers with EdukanaBelinda Judd, Edukana Edukana connects your team to educators who have the skills and capabilities that you need. The most successful EdTech businesses understand that collaborating with their customer is key to...
by EduGrowth | 25 October, 2019
Developing an international go-to-market strategyVinne Schifferstein-Vidal, Bowtown Media Listen to an expert in growing B2B and B2C education technology businesses in international markets. This is one of two sessions that will discuss the opportunity that...