EduGrowth EdTech Innovation Alliance Announcement 2021

EduGrowth and Global Victoria launch the EdTech Innovation Alliance

This program was developed to support the burgeoning Victorian EdTech space and establish Victoria as Australia’s education innovation hub.

EduGrowth EdTech Innovation Alliance Announcement 2021

We are pleased to announce the Global Victoria EdTech Innovation Alliance. This unique program will support partnerships between Victorian EdTech companies, education institutions and international organisations, to test and promote efficacy of Victorian Edtech products for export growth.

The initiative will be funded by the Victorian Government as part of the $33.4 million commitment to the short-term economic recovery of the international education sector, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

“We are excited to be delivering this important program for the Victorian Government to connect EdTech companies, education providers and researchers to document the impact of EdTech tools on learners. This is a great opportunity for EdTech entrepreneurs and educators alike to build real and lasting connections.

Having the support of the Victorian Government in such an important program further reinforces the central role that Victoria plays in the Australian EdTech ecosystem.”


David Linke, Managing Director of EduGrowth


Program Background

Innovation Sprints are central to this program. There will be 8-10 Innovation Sprints where an EdTech product is deployed with Victorian and international education institutions over 26 weeks. Each Innovation Sprint will be coordinated by a steering committee composed of an academic from a Victorian university (education faculty), an independent educator, a researcher from a Victorian university and administrative support to document progress, whilst sharing impact publicly.

“This came from a grass-roots effort. Back in 2018, EduGrowth hosted roundtables in all major states across Australia. They actually sought from those roundtables: What are the things required to make the EdTech ecosystem really start to hum? It came out of that, that there were six key steps, several of which are included in this program: the testbeds, the research, and the connection. 

The most important thing is connecting the testbeds with the entrepreneurs and the investors as well.”


Beverley Oliver, Alfred Deakin Professor


Why it’s important for the sector

This is an exciting, first-of-its-kind program in Australia for the education innovation sector. 

The program will establish Victoria as Australia’s Education Innovation Hub which incorporates all the virtues of the triple-helix innovation model. This program will extend that model to include the efficacy and showcasing of innovation in the education sector that is an absolute prerequisite to large scale education innovation.


Interested in participating? Have someone in mind? Explore the program page and share through your networks. 

Stay tuned: we will keep you posted on program updates, EOI submissions opening, and more.