Galvanising an industry takes a special leader. EduGrowth has benefited from the vision, global connections and relentless drive of such a leader in Patrick Brothers. our Founding Chairman.
For more than 18 months, Patrick has worked tirelessly in building true connection and collaboration across Australia’s education technology and innovation sector. It’s now time for Patrick to pass on the baton of EduGrowth leadership as he focuses on establishing his own exciting EdTech StartUp.
Through Patrick’s personal drive, professional connections and global vision, EduGrowth has developed from a concept through to today being well poised to take a significant leap. Patrick laid the foundation, and drove the development, of EduGrowth by connecting five of Australia’s leading universities, Australia’s largest education services company and hundreds of Australia’s education sector leaders and visionaries.
The Board of Directors thank Patrick for his incredible energy and wish him every success as he launches a global education intelligence platform.
Board of Directors
EduGrowth Limited