Dr Neil Mort

Dr Neil Mort

Dr Neil Mort is President of the Acsenda School of Management. Dr Mort is a Project Partner for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint.
Scott Robertson

Scott Robertson

Scott Robertson is Senior Vice President Canada at EduCo (Acsenda School of Management). He is Project Partner for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint.
Marnie Long

Marnie Long

Marnie Long is Senior Manager, Student Engagement & Employability Student Experience at La Trobe University. Marnie is Project Partner in the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint.
Maika Tran

Maika Tran

Maika Tran is Project Administrator at MentorMatch. She is the Project Assistant for MentorMatch’s Innovation Sprint.
Domenic Saporito

Domenic Saporito

Domenic Saporito is Co-Founder and Director of MentorMatch. He is the Project Manager for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint.