by EduGrowth | 23 February, 2022
Dr Neil Mort is President of the Acsenda School of Management. Dr Mort is a Project Partner for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint. by EduGrowth | 23 February, 2022
Scott Robertson is Senior Vice President Canada at EduCo (Acsenda School of Management). He is Project Partner for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint. by EduGrowth | 23 February, 2022
Marnie Long is Senior Manager, Student Engagement & Employability Student Experience at La Trobe University. Marnie is Project Partner in the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint. by EduGrowth | 23 February, 2022
Maika Tran is Project Administrator at MentorMatch. She is the Project Assistant for MentorMatch’s Innovation Sprint. by EduGrowth | 23 February, 2022
Domenic Saporito is Co-Founder and Director of MentorMatch. He is the Project Manager for the MentorMatch Innovation Sprint.