Carlos Robles Ponce

Carlos Robles Ponce

Carlos Robles Ponce is Coordinator of Microlearning and MOOCs at Anahuac University. As part of the Sprint team, Ponce is responsible for course selection, contextualization for the LATAM lifelong learning market, providing a facilitator, and providing students.
Homero Sánchez Sánchez

Homero Sánchez Sánchez

Homero Sánchez Sánchez is Director of Innovative Thinking at Anahuac University. As part of the Sprint team, Sánchez is responsible for course selection, contextualization for the LATAM lifelong learning market, providing a facilitator, and providing...
Roxana Chavez Zuñiga

Roxana Chavez Zuñiga

Roxana Chavez Zuñiga is Digital Marketing Manager at Anahuac University. Chavez Zuñiga will identify the right set of target audiences, market the course and bring in learners in Latin America.
Ignacio Guerrero

Ignacio Guerrero

Ignacio Guerrero is an Innovation Consultant for Anahuac University and partner of Cahoot Learning.
Christel Nikolajsen

Christel Nikolajsen

Christel Nikolajsen is Manager, Executive Education at Monash University. Nikolajsen will provide course and project oversight, feedback on course objectives and research objectives.
Joanna Du

Joanna Du

Joanna Du is the Head of Marketing at Cahoot Learning. Du will partner and support the marketing efforts of Anahuac University and EduGrowth.
Anthony Morris

Anthony Morris

Anthony Morris is Co-Founder of Cahoot Learning. Morris will lead the Sprint, provide the course, lead redesign for LATAM market, and support the delivery of the solution and the research project.