Where to next for edtech? Melbourne


December 6


09:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Tags:

Austrade, Navitas

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/where-to-next-for-edtech-melbourne-tickets-52952489321


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/edugrowth-10837043984

Nous House - Melbourne

567 Collins Street #level 19, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Melbourne, VIC, AU, 3000

EduGrowth is hosting an exclusive round table discussion looking at the needs of EdTech businesses in Queensland.  We are interested in hearing from you, and strategic members of your team, to help us define the needs of EdTech businesses across the state. You will be joining representatives from Qld EdTech companies, Austrade, Trade and Investment Queensland, Brisbane City Council, and Queensland Universities.

In conjunction with Navitas Ventures, an EduGrowth Foundation Partner, on Wednesday 5 December, hosted at River City Labs, we are leading a discussion focused on “Where Next For EdTech?” 

This round table will bring together a range Queensland’s leading education technology and innovation leaders, government representatives and consultants. The aim is to lead a structured conversation about the needs of EdTech businesses in Qld and how government and the ecosystem can support that development. 

Over a morning we will investigate – 

  • Case studies of leading global EdTech ecosystems

  • Share experiences and insights regarding the immediate challenges for EdTech businesses of all stages of development 

  • Frame a set of recommendations on how the Federal and State Government can best support EdTech businesses