The role of technology to create equity

The role of technology to create equity

EduGrowth invites you to join our CEO Syndicate on Thursday 24 October 2024 in Melbourne, to discuss the 'The role of technology to create equity'.

We will be joined by Colin Axup, President of the Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals.

Colin has been a teacher and principal for decades, and will share his insights on the pressing issues facing schools today.  Colin has a deep understanding of the role of a principal in setting an agenda for their students whilst navigating the central bureaucratic processes. 

During this session we are going to get into the biggest issues that schools are contending with - the role of technology to create equity and access for all students when the Government isn't funding it that way. 

- What are the pressing issues in the Government school system?

- How are they navigating the emerging technologies?

- How are they paying for new tools, products and services?