The Framework
Global Victoria EdTech Innovation Alliance

Activating research-based testbeds in Victorian and international education environments
Proudly supported by the Victorian Government’s trade facilitation agency, Global Victoria, The Global Victoria EdTech Innovation Alliance is a one-of-a-kind program for the Victorian EdTech ecosystem. Through incorporating the key elements of the triple-helix innovation model, the Alliance will establish Victoria as Australia’s education innovation hub. The Alliance will extend that model to exhibit how efficacy and showcasing of innovation in the education sector are prerequisites to large-scale education innovation.
This document provides an overview of the Alliance, the successful Innovation Sprint pilots, the types of EdTech solutions being trialled, the educational settings participating, and the key benefits of this type of program for EdTech companies, education institutions and the state of Victoria.
Victoria’s EdTech capabilities are centred on global leadership in education, enhanced capabilities to deliver solutions, and a strong reputation in international education.
We are proud to partner with an exciting range of EdTech pioneers, helping them to make the most of rapidly emerging global opportunities.
Gönül Serbest
Chief Executive Officer
Global Victoria
Outcomes and Learnings from a Testbed Program
The Global Victorian EdTech Innovation Alliance Symposium was formally opened by Tim Pallas the Victorian Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Trade. It was a hybrid event recorded on Tuesday 27 September...
Investing in a Testbed…for Schools and Institutions
There are unique benefits for education partners in a testbed trial program. These schools and institutions can be brought into the education innovation ecosystem, market themselves at the cutting edge of digital learning, and more.Through the triple-helix innovation...
Investing in a Testbed…for EdTech Companies
There are key benefits for all stakeholders involved in a testbed trial. For EdTech companies, direct consumer feedback and quick adoption by a new partner, are just a couple of the exciting prospects of joining a program of this model.What are the key considerations...