Education At Scale

Technology driving education innovation

Melbourne EdTech Week

13-19 August 2024



Official Welcome

Mark Lamont – Chair | EduGrowth
Liz Johnson – Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) | Deakin University

Rebecca Hall – Commissioner for Victoria, South East Asia | Victorian Government


Universities – The Great Connectors

Liz Johnson – Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) | Deakin University
Stephen Parker – Emeritus Professor | University of Canberra
David Bowser – CEO | Curio

Education is a public good designed to enable a modern economy. Governments invest in education providers to ensure learners are prepared for the future; yet the future is always a little fuzzy. The modern University is the connector in this complex ecosystem of research, innovation and learning. What role can EdTech play in supporting this connection?


Morning tea

Keynote | A Vision for Technology Driving Change and Transforming Learning

Pascale Quester – Vice Chancellor | Swinburne University
David Bowser – CEO | Curio

The Australian Higher education landscape has been transformed as academics and students demand a better experience. Technology has been an enabler and a driving factor. This session explores a vision for technology driving the next wave of education innovation in the higher education sector.


A Global Approach to Student Engagement

Tom Gifford – Head of Student Recruitment (International & domestic) | RMIT
Ellisa Newall – Partner | Edified
Mark Woolf – International Payment Specialist, Education | Convera

Australian Universities are reimagining how they engage with students locally and globally. In this session Higher Education leaders discuss student recruitment and student engagement within this new paradigm, how to embrace and implement new methods and what a global engagement approach could look like in years to come.


Realising Human Potential – The University of the Future

Clair Sadler – Executive Director, Market Development | OES
Claire Hopkins – Interim CEO | RMIT Online
David Bowser – CEO | Curio

What does the university of the future look like? Could EdTech be the key driver for enabling learners to reach their full potential? What steps does the sector need to take to realise this future? This session aims to provoke and stimulate possibilities and visions for the next transformation of universities.



Education Innovation and the Australian EdTech Sector

Lucy Tan – Principal | Square Peg
Pat Brothers – Co-CEO | HolonIQ
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

The Australian EdTech ecosystem is complex, and understanding it is key to unlocking its potential. Join this session to learn about the Australian EdTech landscape and its wider role as a driver of innovation in education both domestically and globally.


Triple-Helix Model of Collaboration: Government, Research, Education

Phil Dawson – Professor & Associate Director, Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) | Deakin University
Richard Wilson – Co-Founder & Chief Visionary | Maths Pathway
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

Supporting partnerships between EdTech entrepreneurs, educators, government and researchers to drive the efficacy of EdTech products. This session discusses a framework for collaboration as delivered through the Global Victoria EdTech Innovation Alliance.


Innovation Thrives with Many Partners – How Global Study can Take a Seat at the Innovation Table

John Molony – PVC & Vice President (International) | Deakin University
Caroline Hartnett – Deputy Director, International Education | Global Victoria
Kadi Taylor – Non-Executive Director | EduGrowth

What are the ingredients for developing an education solution that is truly innovative? Collaboration among committed partners with a shared vision provide a great start! This session explores the possibilities for transformation with global partners.


Afternoon Tea

Digital Transformation and the Third Sector

Nicholas Robert – Founder | Learning Vault
Wendy Palmer – Director, Global Studio, Deakin University
Vivian Fan – Managing Director | Golden Education

Learners are looking beyond the degree in their tertiary learning journey; they seek opportunities for upskilling to meet the demands of a competitive job market. Increasingly the third sector is offering an attractive alternative. This session will explore the importance of the third sector in the enhancement of education and the upskilling of learners through accessible and flexible models.


Borderless Education through Digitisation

Howell Williams – Chief Development Officer | Keypath Education
Nilesh Patel – Founder & CEO | LeadSquared
Mark Lamont – Chair | EduGrowth

Education providers and EdTech vendors today exist in a world of borderless education enabled by the power of digital. Australian education is highly regarded and sought after on the international stage. This session will explore how technology collaboration between institutions and vendors can bring Australia’s education capability to learners globally. Expect take-aways on building viable, scalable launch models in geographies with no physical presence.

Official Close
4.30pm – 6.30pm
Melbourne EdTech Summit Networking Reception
Official Welcome

Kadi Taylor – Non-executive Director | EduGrowth
Dan McFadyen Managing Director | Edalex


Employee-Led Skills Development – New Models of Corporate Training

Jon Plowright – Founder & CEO | Typsy
Ellen Sullivan – Director of Learning Innovation Lab | Melbourne Business School
Lindsey Nickalls – Head of Coursera for Campus, Australia & New Zealand | Coursera

The rise of upskilling has driven immense change in the workforce sector, with learners pathing their own learning journey. This session will explore how digital has transformed the impact and efficiency of corporate training, getting learners skilled with the flexibility and pace they need.


Keynote | Delivering Future Skills

Kate Pounder – CEO | Technology Council of Australia
Patrick Kidd – CEO | Digital Skills Organisation
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

Upskilling is high on the innovation agenda for the Workforce sector, with digital skills and digital delivery identified as being the key enabler. This session will imagine the utopian future of the workforce sector and unpack an approach to delivering future skills.


Morning Tea

On-Demand Skills: Revolutionising the Workforce of the Future

Marc Washbourne – CEO | ReadyTech
Tamara Kearsley – General Manager Industry Engagement | Holmesglen
Maria Spies – Co-CEO | HolonIQ

Technology promises to transform workforce learning, with increased convenience, efficiency and learning outcomes. This session will explore examples of Industry innovation, and how EdTech has become a catalyst to revolutionise the workforce of the future.


Delivering Job-Ready Graduates.
Requirements for Successful Partnerships between Educational Institutions, Industry and EdTech

Iain Martin – Vice Chancellor | Deakin University
Frances Coppolillo – CEO | Melbourne Polytechnic
Dan McFayden – Managing Director | Edalex

Australian and global companies are facing an unprecedented talent shortage, amid claims that educational institutions are not equipping their learners with the skills needed in the workplace. How are Deakin University and Melbourne Polytechnic responding to this challenge? How can industry play a larger role? How can EdTech facilitate and strengthen the identification, development and validation of a learner’s skills?


Work Integrated Learning, the Bridge between Education and the Workforce

Neil Bain-Lowry – Partnerships Manager | University of Melbourne
Marnie Long – Senior Manager, Student Engagement & Employability | La Trobe University
Owen Firth – Chief Employability Officer | ReadyGrad

Work Integrated Learning is offering students a bridge between their Higher Education studies and career ambitions. This session looks at the different models of Work Integrated Learning and the role of technology in increasing overall graduate employability.


All Learning Counts – Skills Recognition of Non-Formal Learning and Aligning to Formal Learning Pathways

Jeffrey Lehrer – National RTO Compliance Manager | Scouts Australia
Margo Griffith
– Head of Business Development | Edalex
Kristine Chompff – Marketing Manager | Edalex

In this session, the panel will discuss what learning and recognition means for learning organisations such as Scouts Australia and what it means in the context of Australian frameworks. They explore the challenges of recognising and representing informal and non-formal learning and the provision of pathways for learners to formal learning outcomes. They detail the technology enablement of skills recognition through mapping and aligning skills data using open data standards to achieve scale.


Collaboration across Education and EdTech

Robin Shreeve – Previous Director | TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute
Claire Field – Principal | Claire Field & Assoc.

Higher Education and vocational training are interconnected to deliver to industry needs. Traditional silos are breaking down across industries and between education providers to ensure learners are engaged and employment ready. The intersection between skills shortages, new education models and now EdTech should enable learners getting what they need at the time when they need it.


Efficacy Research in EdTech – Reducing Risk, Improving Efficiency

Margaret Bearman – Professor, CRADLE | Deakin University
Domenic Saporito – Co-founder & Director | Intern Match
Michael Henderson
– Professor, School of Curriculum & Inclusive Education | Monash University

Efficacy is an integral part of the evaluation process of any new EdTech solution. This session will explore efficacy as means of reducing risk, building trust, and developing products that fulfil their potential.


Afternoon Tea
Scaling Efficiencies for Government Partners

Sean Cummins – Director, ICT Projects | Department of Education South Australia
Peter Carpenter – Managing Director APAC | Wonde
Fiona Boyd
– Co-Founder | EdSmart

EdTech is providing seamless, scalable solutions to help the Government solve some of their most pressing issues. In this session, we look at a case study from EdSmart, the Department of Education South Australia (DESA) and Wonde, and find out how they were able to free up teacher time – shifting time spent on school administration back into teaching and learning.

The Potential of Video

Spiro Liacos – Teacher & Video Content Producer
Tara Walsh – Global Education lead | ClickView
Travis Edwards – Regional Manager Customer Success | ClickView

Video is a common tool in contemporary education. Learners value and dependency on video has accelerated in recent years with widespread rapid shifts to online learning experienced by many schools across the globe. This session will explore the growing body of research that looks at the impact of video in educational settings.

Official Close
Official Welcome

David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth
Peter Carpenter – Managing Director APAC | Wonde


Tech and Teachers – Delivering Professional Development Beyond Compliance

Marcia Devlin – CEO | Victorian Academy of Teaching & Leadership
Chris Campbell – President | ASCILITE and Sub Dean (Learning Technology) & Faculty of Science & Health Business Partner, Division of Learning & Teaching | Charles Sturt University

The connection between effective teaching and student achievement is vital in learning. Enhancing the skills and knowledge of the education workforce is key. This session explores how technology is helping to deliver professional development to teachers above and beyond.


Keynote: Deep Tech & Deep Learning – AI in Student Development

Dragan Gasevic – Professor of Learning Analytics | Monash University
Luci Pangrazio – Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Language and Literacy | Deakin University
Kimberley Hall – Australian Education Lead, T&L | Google

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to transform the manner in which students learn, teachers assess and classrooms operate. Join us as we explore how deep tech and deep learning is impacting the experience of students and teachers, and the many possible applications in the classroom.


Pitch Competition – Heat 1

Shane Argo – CEO | Grade Matter
Adam Weber – Founder | Truewell
Athy Giannopoulos – Founder | G Force Digital

EdTech Founders are up against the clock with just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case. Each heat will feature 3 Startups and Q&A. Heat winners will progress to the Pitch Competition Final Finals.

How Technology is Improving Student Wellbeing

Joe Thurbon – Founder & CTO | Educator Impact
Cleo Westhorpe – Founder | The Inclusive School
Angela Alcock – Founder | Flohh

Supporting the wellbeing of a learner takes more than just a classroom approach. Hear from several innovative EdTech entrepreneurs on the importance of student wellbeing in an education setting and the amazing resources available to support students to achieve success and satisfaction in their learning.


Has Technology Delivered a Formative Assessment Utopia?

Sandy Heldsinger – Founder & Managing Director | Brightpath
Tom Richardson – CEO | LiteracyPlanet
Amanda ClarkeInternational Director | GL Education

Technology promised to make the delivery of formative assessment a utopian dream, a place where student learning data can be accessed and interpreted with ease. This session will discuss how technology has redefined the delivery of assessment, review if it has delivered all that was promised and highlight opportunities for innovation.

Pitch Competition – Heat 2

Pablo Riveros – Founder | Tsunagaru Edutech
Lauren Glina – Founder | Agape
Heath Venn – Founder | KeepAPP

EdTech Founders are up against the clock with just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case. Each heat will feature 3 Startups and Q&A. Heat winners will progress to the Pitch Competition Final Finals.

Female Leaders Changing Education & EdTech Outcomes

Kym Hunter – Founder & Managing Director | Champion Life
Kendall Flutey – Co-Founder & CEO | Banqer
Sarah Chamberlain – Founder | ReadyTeacher
Billye Atout – Director ANZ | Class

Educator ranks across the globe are dominated by women. Now the EdTech sector is benefiting from the leadership of great female executives and entrepreneurs. Hear how these amazing female leaders are changing education with technology driven change.

Architecture for Digital Transformation

Catherine McClellan – Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Assessment) at Australian Council for Educational Research
Sean Fleming – Head of Engineering | Maths Pathway
Scott Thomson – Head of Innovation | Google Cloud
Sally Browner – Australian Country Manager | Prodigy Learning

EdTech provides the tools to innovate the learning experience for educators and their students. The innovation can be something as basic as an online worksheet to complex Augmented Reality. This session will explore how far we can push the boundaries of what is possible in the classroom through technology.

Pitch Competition – Heat 3

Jayne Kelly – COO | Capture the Action
Sam Embuldeniya – Founder | EdPass
Neil Edmund – Founder | MoneyTime

EdTech Founders are up against the clock with just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case. Each heat will feature 3 Startups and Q&A. Heat winners will progress to the Pitch Competition Final Finals


The Ethical Consideration in Education Technology Design

Martin Dougiamas – Founder & CEO | Moodle
Sally Anne Browner – Australian Country Manager | Prodigy Learning

As EdTech capability evolves, so will the ethical implications of its use. This session will explore how the sector can support the development of technology while retaining social responsibility, and highlight the emerging responsibilities of people in the design and deployment of technology in schools.


Technology Deployment in a Cyber-Vigilant Society

Peter Carpenter – Managing Director APAC | Wonde
Tara Walsh – Global Education lead | ClickView

Privacy and data security is as relevant as ever with the development of technology expanding into unregulated territory. Visibility on the security implications of an EdTech solution is essential for building trust within education. This session will discuss the role of efficacy in meeting the requirements of the cyber-vigilant consumer.

Official Close
Official Welcome

Tony Brennan – Non-Executive Director | EduGrowth


Entrepreneurship Interview – Developing an Original Idea

Domenic Saporito – Co-founder & Director | Intern Match
Aimie Sibson – CEO and Co-Founder | Hero
Jayne Kelly – COO | Capture the Action

In this entrepreneur interview, hear from a leading founders as they share their journey from developing an original idea, overcoming challenges and creating impact. This session is a must-see for aspiring entrepreneurs in the sector.

Educator to Entrepreneur: Seizing an Opportunity

Daniele Tanner – Co-Founder | Social Media College
Michele Miller – Founder | Robokids
Sarah Chamberlain – Founder | ReadyTeacher

Educators and practitioners have a unique perspective on the world of learning. They have lived, and understand the challenges, they see the opportunities and the potential for a better experience. In this entrepreneur panel highly accomplished educators share their experiences transitioning from leading the classroom to leading an EdTech business. 

Pitch Competition – Heat 4

Breanna Landwehr | Work Window
Andrew Duval – Founder | Writelike
Steve Hall | ClassNova

EdTech Founders are up against the clock with just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case. Each heat will feature 3 Startups and Q&A. Heat winners will progress to the Pitch Competition Final Finals.

Keynote: Using EdTech with Impact in K12 Learning

Sandra Milligan – Director, Assessment Research Centre, Melbourne Graduate School of Education | University of Melbourne
Ralph Saubern – Deputy CEO (Professional Resources) | Australian Council for Educational Research
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

K12 Schools utilise technology to help with onboarding, training, communication, and support, but are we unlocking its true potential for learners? This session will explore the possibilities and the impacts that EdTech can have on K12 learners.


Investing in Education

Matt Deeble – Executive Director, Strategic Business Operations | Social Ventures Australia
Arthur Baker – Managing Director ANZ & Pacific | Oxford University Press
Fiona Boyd – Co-Founder | EdSmart

Many understand and view education as the most powerful investment in one’s future, it has the ability to lead learners on a path towards health, empowerment, and employment. In this session, industry experts discuss the intersection between education and investment.

Pitch Competition – Heat 5

Nicholas Haritos – Founder | Strucomp
Johnson Apprem – Pay Tracker
Jane Qiu – Founder | Kintell

EdTech Founders are up against the clock with just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case. Each heat will feature 3 Startups and Q&A. Heat winners will progress to the Pitch Competition Final Finals.

Investment-Ready EdTech

Taylor Coulter – Investment Manager | Greenwich Capital Partners
Fiona Hindmarsh – CEO | Significant
Albert Bielinko – Partner, Telstra Ventures
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

Ready to approach an investor? This session will feature some of Australia’s leading EdTech Investors to review recent trends in EdTech investment, the outlook for the coming year and understand how they personally evaluate an EdTech investment opportunity.

Pitch Competition Final

Judging Panel
Taylor Coulter – Investment Manager | Greenwich Capital Partners
Fiona Hindmarsh – CEO | Significant
Albert Bielinko – Partner, Telstra Ventures
David Linke – Managing Director | EduGrowth

In the Pitch Competition Finals, all heat winners have just 3 minutes to articulate their innovation, the impact on learners, and their ultimate business case to our judging panel of investors.


Entrepreneurship Interview – Building a Unicorn

Nilesh Patel – Founder & CEO | LeadSquared
Angela Alcock – Founder | Flohh

Hear from the founder of LeadSquared as they detail their journey building a unicorn! Gain insight from a leader in the sector on how to build a impactful business and scale en masse. This session is not to be missed for any aspiring entrepreneurs.


Pitch Competition – Winner Announcement

Join us as we announce the winner of the Innovation Stage  Pitch Competition for 2022.

Official Close

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Copyright 2022 EduGrowth
Melbourne EdTech Summit program subject to change at the discretion of EduGrowth.