EduGrowth commits to the Panel Pledge – Gender balance in every forum

The Panel Pledge initiative is a commitment to the sustainable and significant representation of women in leadership, through actioning measures to ensure balanced representation across public and professional forums.

The pledge was developed collaboratively by The Women’s Leadership Institute Australia, Chief Executive Women and the Male Champions of Change. 

Key points

  • Commitment to the Panel Pledge – an initiative to boost the representation of women in public & professional forums
  • Take the pledge

As an industry organisation that develops high-profile events, EduGrowth is pleased to be committing to the ongoing delivery of gender balanced panels and events. 

We recognise that our industry has been characterised by a significant gender imbalance. Recent research highlights women founders, co-founders and leaders make up less than 25% of the EdTech sector. 

EduGrowth has a role to play in encouraging and supporting women in the sector, and to acknowledge and discourage the structural bias that is faced by women founders. 

Women’s representation enriches public and professional forums by providing balanced perspectives. Further, studies with statistically significant findings show women founded businesses are more successful, generating a greater return on investment. Increasing the visibility of women will help to break the cycle of gender imbalance and encourage more women to pursue leadership in the EdTech sector. 

We understand the responsibility we carry as facilitators of public and professional forums to advocate for diversity. The Panel Pledge offers a measurable, actionable and practical means of accountability that EduGrowth has committed to.

Look out for the Panel Pledge icons that will be used in event listings as a signifier that EduGrowth is a Panel Pledge Champion.

We invite you to take the pledge.