Leading a business can be isolating, and the additional dimensions of the education sector creates unique challenges for EdTech entrepreneurs. The EduGrowth ClearPath Syndicate Program is a support mechanism to connect EdTech Entrepreneurs, education sector business leaders and leading educators regularly to enhance their journey through connection and collaboration.
We thank Tim Power CEO from Inquisitive and Andrew O’Keefe Director and founding partner of Studio Alto for supporting our February program and providing their expertise for the benefit of this important program and participants in Sydney and Melbourne.
Key points
- Tim Power & Andrew O’Keefe guest speakers at February syndicates
- Syndicate program provides EdTech executives with informal, structured peer-to-peer support mechanism

Tim Power, CEO Inquisitive and founder of 3P Learning led a discussion that reflected on how far the EdTech sector in Australia had evolved over the past 15 years. As the co-founder of Mathletics among other significant education communities, Tim shared his insights on building effective EdTech companies; built through a clear vision and strategy and backed by the right team.

Andrew O’Keefe, Director and founding partner of Studio Alto led a discussion on branding and how it can support growth strategies within the education sector. Andrew has 20 years experience creating and transforming brands. The focus was on how brand needs to be far more than the logo and imagery. Using empathy mapping you can begin to define the brand from a customer-lens and move away from a company or product- centric approach.
We understand the importance of having good support structures for EdTech executives, to help develop and scale their businesses. Although many EdTech entrepreneurs rely on the advice and support from formal advisory boards or their actual boards, we recognise those people can be incredibly invested in decisions that the entrepreneur makes. The ClearPath Syndicate offers entrepreneurs an alternative support structure – an informal, yet structured network and relationship with peers and colleagues, where they can float ideas, seek alternate perspectives, share their journey, a program that can add true value to them as they build their business.
ClearPath Syndicates meet every six-eight weeks in Sydney and Melbourne.
The next Syndicate guest speaker is Hugh Gyton, a sales and leadership coach who will discuss how the Rockerfeller method for growth can be applied to EdTech companies.