EduGrowth in partnership with EdTechX hosted the Australian pitch final of their EdTech EcoSystem series of events. This is a global movement as pitch finals occur in over 15 locations across Europe, Africa and Asia in the lead up to the EdTechX Europe Expo during London EdTech week in 2020.
The culmination of these events will uncover the most interesting and innovative EdTech companies from across the world to converge on London and compete in the Global Startup Super League Final. This extraordinary event will feature 30 startups who each have just 90 seconds to pitch and 90 seconds to answer questions from the judges in a marathon 90 minute long pitch event!
Key points
- EdTechX Ecosystem events uncover innovative EdTech startups from across the globe
- Littlescribe, Makers Empire, Practera, ReadyTeacher, Skodel and Vygo pitch in the Australian finals event at Tank Stream Labs Sydney on 30 November 2019
- Vygo’s peer mentoring innovation wins EdTechX Australian final including a travel grant to compete at the Global Startup Super League 2020 in London
The Global Startup Super League Final will be held at The Brewery London on 18 June 2020. The event boasts £100k in prizes, 8 judges and an audience of 1,200 EdTech entrepreneurs, executives and investors.
Being the first year in Australia, we were thrilled that 50 Australian EdTech companies submitted to pitch; of which, six outstanding companies were selected by a team of reviewers to go head-to-head for the opportunity to represent Australia – Littlescribe, Makers Empire, Practera, ReadyTeacher, Skodel and Vygo.
Congratulations to Ben Hallet of Vygo, Winner EdTechX Australian Final
Congratulations to Ben Hallet of Vygo, who in front of a crowded Tank Stream Labs in Sydney on Wednesday 20 November 2019, impressed the judging panel to secure his place on the 2020 Global Startup Super League stage in London.
A special thank you to our judging panel for supporting this great initiative, the education innovation and technology sector and these EdTech startups: Dominique Parrish – Pro-Vice Chancellor Learning & Teaching Macquarie University, Mark Lamont – Chair EduGrowth, Rebecca Hall – Senior Industry Expert International Education Austrade and Clive Mayhew – Chair Open Learning.
As the winner of the EdTechX Australian Final, Ben receives a travel grant to compete in the Global Startup Super League in 2020. We look forward to watching Ben take Vygo and Australian EdTech global and wish him every success in business and the competition as it moves into the next stage.
our finalists
Learn more about our finalists
Littlescribe is an educational writing platform that ignites engagement, drives purpose and individual learning outcomes for students. Littlescribe connects a writing community: connecting teachers, authors, students and parents.
Littlescribe has three core products:
- transforming students writing in classrooms into digital and printed books, to share with an audience via digital book clubs.
- A co-author program providing rich teaching resources connected to the curriculum, for primary and high school.
- a lifetime portfolio of a child’s writing journey, with assessment tools and dashboards for teachers, deepening teacher insights and the ability to track individual needs and progress.
Makers Empire has created a design thinking learning program for primary school students using 3D design and printing technology.
Makers Empire provides everything an educator needs to teach design thinking with 3D design and printing tools. It includes:
– Curriculum
– Professional development
– Software – easy enough for young students to use
– Teacher’s Dashboard – to manage students and their work
Practera helps educators deliver experiential learning and employability programs which equip students and professionals for the future of work. These are programs like team projects, skills credentialling, industry partnerships, work simulations, onboarding, accelerators, mentoring networks and internships. Our mission is to establish the world’s leading experiential learning & micro-credentialling platform.
ReadyTeacher is a staffing service and platform for English language and vocational teachers. Supplying last-minute relief teachers and new employees to private institutions that deliver courses to international students as well as TAFE.
The ReadyTeacher platform takes into account the importance of staff compliance and quality assurance when it comes to the international education sector. A HR platform-cum-freelancer-marketplace, the technology matches teachers of English language and vocational courses, processing institutions’ bookings within 30 seconds and delivering teachers to campuses in Sydney and Melbourne within 75 minutes.
Skodel makes it easier for school communities to monitor student wellbeing. We work with a range of schools from different backgrounds, including private, public, special education and juvenile detention centres.
Skodel is the most intuitive self reporting tool for monitoring the wellbeing of each child. Unlike traditional large scale survey approaches, Skodel enables teachers to ‘check-in’ with their students in 30 seconds. With every check-in, Skodel builds a picture of each students’ wellbeing and communicates this back to teachers in a simple and easy manner, so that all stakeholders can understand what wellbeing looks like for the individual, class and whole school.
Vygo is a peer learning company helping higher education providers to upgrade and scale their student mentoring and tutoring communities.
The Vygo product consists:
– Vygo Mobile App
– Vygo Web Platform
– Partner Admin Portal
With Vygo, learning providers are able to create engaging, scalable and trackable marketplaces for all of their various student mentoring programs (from class-specific tutoring to first-year mentoring to industry mentoring). Students use the platform to find their perfect matches, chat in-app and book online or in-person sessions with their mentors.
Leveraging the dynamics of the modern sharing economy, the Vygo platform puts a strong focus on student engagement and experience. As a result, Vygo’s partners are seeing significant increases in the volume and level of student engagement within their programs.